Cartooning 101: A Beginners Guide to Creating Comics
12 Hours
About the Course
In this course you will learn how to use your art to tell engaging stories in the form of comics. We will go over principles of art including character design, layout, composition, and setting design. But we will also cover creative writing concepts such as dialogue, character development, genre, craft, language, and more!
Students will walk away from the class with an engaging cocept for a comic strip along with character design sheets, a script (including dialogue), a storyboard of their first comic strip, a first draft of their comic, and several other helpful tools.
Here is where I will be typing or retyping a bunch of other really helpful information that will probably blow your mind and convince you that this course is exactly what you have been looking for.
Your Instructor
Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith has dedicated his career to teaching religion to high school students. In his free time he loves creating art. (Especially silly art that makes people laugh.) He has illustrated a handful of children's books, and boardgames, and he has worked in the animation industry creating a bunch of boring videos for companies. Blah blah blah... A bunch of stuff that nobody cares about... I may or may not come back and rewrite this later. Who knows?!